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Brain Health Webinar

Dr Fionnula presents the Brain Health Workshop via Webinar on Saturday March 11th 11am-2pm The Workshop will cover the following topics: Understand how your brain works to govern mood and cognition  How to identify subtle brain disturbances and mood imbalances at an early stage The Gut Brain Axis Inflammation and the Brain Hormones and the […]

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Maximize Your Energy: Part 4

Stress is defined as “a physical or emotional strain or tension, or an event that is perceived as being threatening to our physical or mental health”.  Levels of “stress” are difficult to quantify because each individual will react to stress differently. Perception of stress is another factor. An event that one person may perceive as […]

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Maximize Your Energy: Part 2

In Part 1 of Maximize Your Energy, we discussed the importance of testing for low iron and thoroughly assessing anemia (click here to read the article) In Part 2 we will focus on the importance of healthy thyroid function in optimizing our energy levels. The thyroid is a gland that sits in the neck. It […]

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Maximize Your Energy: Part 1

Low energy is one of the most common presenting complaints at Invigorate Clinic. There are a number of factors that can lead to low energy levels including An inability to regulate blood sugars Low iron status Stress and an imbalanced adrenal hormone axis Poor thyroid function Every cell in our body requires energy in the […]

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Good Vegan and Vegetarian Sources of Iron

There are two forms of iron available in food. “Haem” iron: found in animal products e.g red meat, liver. This form is better absorbed than: “Non-Haem” iron: found in plant sources Thus, vegans and vegetarians tend to be a high-risk group for iron-deficiency anemia. Good vegan and vegetarian sources of iron include: Pumpkin seeds Quinoa […]

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Natural Anti-Acne Remedies

Testing takes the guesswork out of nutritional interventions for skin conditions but here are my top Clear Skin solutions to get you started on the path to acne-free skin. 1. Moderate your consumption of high GL foods from your diet. If you are an athlete or sports person, you will know that consumption of these foods […]

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a complex condition of the ovaries, which affects approximately 6% of females of reproductive age. Symptoms of PCOS include irregular periods, excessive hair growth (chin, upper lip and, very often on the forearms, lower legs and lower abdomen), acne (particularly along the jawline), infertility and obesity. Elevated testosterone is one of […]

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Testosterone For Muscle, Power and Health

Testosterone levels predict a male’s muscle mass, power and strength but testosterone deficiency is in fact much more common that most men (and indeed women) realise. This is due to a variety of factors including exposure to environmental toxins, stress, nutritional deficiencies, poor gastrointestinal health and of course, advancing age. Androgens (male hormones) are responsible […]

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Functional Diagnostics Testing for Spots, Pimples and Acne

Diagnostics testing is imperative in order to develop a personalized nutrition program to control acne. The basic work up for our patients  at Invigorate Clinic includes the following tests: 1. NutrEval Test This test (blood and urine) measures antioxidants, B vitamins, nutrients for digestive support,  the essential fatty acids and minerals. Deficiencies of Vitamin A, D, […]

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Female Hormone Balance

The female hormone system is an intricate one. Hormones undergo many troughs and peaks at different times of the menstrual cycle. This ensures that ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary) takes place and, in the absence of a sperm to fertilize the egg, menstruation occurs. Even very slight imbalances in any of […]

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